Caring for a horse requires a great deal of time, money and effort on the part of owners. Not only can these animals live for several decades, they also require a substantial amount of daily upkeep. Despite the tremendous responsibility horse ownership entails, many people find the rewards to be well worth the sacrifices. As any seasoned equestrian can confirm, caring for a horse offers a lot in the way of emotional satisfaction. Horse owners interested in getting the most for their investment would be wise to consider comprehensive equine insurance. As you’ll find, there are a number of perks associated with insuring your horse.
1. Reduced Vet Costs
Healthcare for horses is very pricey – far more so than veterinary care for other types of animals. Whether your horse is receiving a routine checkup or having a serious injury treated, you can expect to pay a princely sum in vet costs. Fortunately, this doesn’t have to be the case. A good insurance policy will help keep your vet bills reasonable and ensure that emergency care doesn’t leave a smoldering hole in your personal finances.
2. Protection against Legal Action
If you frequently allow other people to ride your horse, you’re sure to be well-served by equine liability insurance. In the event that someone becomes injured while riding your horse, you’re liable to find yourself on the hook for that person’s medical costs. Furthermore, the injured party may even decide to take legal action against you, resulting in tremendous legal fees and court costs. Investing in equine liability insurance can help protect you against legal action and ensure that anyone injured while riding your horse receives fair compensation.
3. Manageable Dental Bills
Horses also require a fair amount of annual dental care. In the absence of regular dental examinations and cleanings, these animals can fall victim to tooth rot, gum disease and abscesses, all of which can result in serious health complications. Luckily, purchasing an insurance plan that covers dental care will enable you to keep your horse’s teeth healthy without breaking the bank.
Owning a horse is a huge responsibility. You’d be hard-pressed to find an animal that requires more attention and daily maintenance than a horse. However, most people who take the plunge into horse ownership find the experience to be consistently enjoyable and highly rewarding. Horse owners looking for peace of mind can find it through purchasing equine insurance.