How To Prepare Your Dog For Boarding

How To Prepare Your Dog For Boarding

Whether you have a medical emergency, are going on vacation, or end up working later than expected, most people end up having to board their dog at least once. This can be an overwhelming thought for both you and your dog, especially if it is not something you do regularly. Here are some tips to make boarding easier for everyone involved.


It’s always a good idea to make sure that your dog has at least basic commands down before sending them off to stay anywhere else for an extended period of time. This way, the staff will have an easier time interacting with your dog.


One huge thing you should work on before boarding your dog is socialization. If you are boarding your dog at a facility where there are many other dogs, this will help decrease the likelihood of conflict between your dog and others and ensure …

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4 Things to Look for in a Dog Day Care Center

4 Things to Look for in a Dog Day Care Center

If you’ve owned a dog for any length of time, you know how important it is that it’s taken care of properly when you’re away. But taking good care of dogs is a high-energy task that isn’t easily handled by just anyone, so you have to be careful who you trust. Here are four things you want to look for in a good day care center for your sweet little pup. 

Cleanliness & Health Standards 

One of the most important things for any dog day care center is good standards for cleanliness and the health of its attendees. Pay attention to how clean the facilities are, and be sure to ask about what their vaccination requirements are so you can get a good sense of what the risks might be if you send your pup there. 

Lots of Play 

A good dog day care center will provide ample opportunities for …

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Tips on how to Fix Dog Aggression

Tips on how to Fix Dog Aggression

Redirecting an Aggressive Dog

Although a dog is called a man’s finest pal, aggressive dogs may be quite widespread. As an owner, it truly is very important to learn ways to relate to your dog in a way that decreases damaging dog behavior. The fantastic news is there are approaches to understand how you can fix dog aggression.

Regrettably, when a dog is aggressive it is generally due to the fact a human taught the dog to be that way. Often the dog owner doesn’t even realize that they’re causing their dog to become aggressive until the issue is out of management.

Dogs show aggression in many different techniques like growling, barking, mounting, staring, or inside the most intense instances by biting. Sadly the dog usually pays for his owner’s mistake. Since a dog’s natural social order is a pack; they naturally try to dominate to hold their place in …

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What Happened to your Chihuahua? A Compact Dog Rescue Update

What Happened to your Chihuahua? A Compact Dog Rescue Update

Chihuahuas are disproportionately crowding pet shelters and compact dog rescue agencies, a minimum of in California. Chihuahuas would be the most well-known breed of dog in Los Angeles, so it makes sense it is by far the most abandoned breed, stated Madeline Bernstein, President of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Los Angeles. Professionals say pop culture is to blame with fans imitating Chihuahua-toting celebrities like Paris Hilton and Miley Cyrus, then abandoning the dogs. At least in California’s Bay Location, Chihuahuas are replacing pit bulls because the breed most left behind in animal shelters, and shelters and rescue groups are seeking the public’s assist.

Amongst the reasons for the glut is breed recognition in films like “Beverly Hills Chihuahua” and as celebrity pets, mentioned a senior coordinator for Chihuahua Rescue of Beverly Hills. There are lots of Chihuahuas at shelters in Oakland, they have begun shipping …

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Dogs Love Youngsters, Little ones like Dogs

Dogs Love Youngsters, Little ones like Dogs

I was recently approached by a mother who told me her five-year-old son was hounding her to find a pet shop with puppies for sale to obtain one. (Excuse the pun). She was extremely reluctant as she had study newspapers and watched the evening Television news story about a kid who had been attacked by a loved one’s dog.

I pointed out to her that, like a lot of other sensational stories, when put into perspective, the amount of critical attacks on children is tiny when in comparison with the total variety of dog-owning households within the country.

Not surprisingly an attack is going to make the news because negative news sells. The newspapers and Television stations are usually not serious about good fluffy news stories. They want catastrophes and scandals. They may be what get people’s interest. When was the final time you saw a huge headline stating ‘BOY …

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