Six Things to Consider Before Buying Pet Finches

1. Finch Ownership
Are you ready to own pet finches? Finches are known for ease of care and can be nifty pets for almost anyone, including apartment dwellers, those with kids, and even those with other pets. That being said, you should make sure that other family members are really ready to have finches in the house, can they be considerate and careful around finches, can you keep your current pets under control around the finches, do you have a proper place for their cage, etc.
2. Finch Varieties
Which finch variety should you get? These active small birds are colorful, have varied patterns and personalities. They come in many popular varieties including the Zebra Finch, Gouldian Finch and the Society Finch. Ask your local bird seller for their opinion and recommendations.
3. Keeping Finches
The fact that finches are very friendly birds allows you to maintain them with other …
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