Types of Horse Jumping Courses
If you have an interest in learning how to compete in jumping contests with a horse, or you just want to know more about the sport in general, it’s best to start with the basics. There are three types of jumping competitions and several breeds of horses that excel at each one.
Show Jumping
Probably the most widely known of the jumping events, show jumping is a sport where the horse and rider are judged on speed and the ability to clear the schooling horse jumps and other obstacles without touching them. The rider is judged on his or her style, finesse and riding ability. Hanoverians and Arabians are popular show jumpers. Hanoverians are naturally athletic jumpers. Although originally bred as carriage horses, over the years they have been cross bred to lighten their overall structure making them superior jumpers. The long-limbed Arabians also excel at jumping due to their …
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