Poodle Dog Breed Information
Poodles are smart, trim and elegant dogs that love to play. They’re also extremely energetic and loyal to their owners, making them great pets for people who want a dog who will be a lifelong companion. Poodles are known for their curly hair and loyalty—and they’re part of the Toy Group in the American Kennel Club (AKC). The standard poodle weighs between 35 and 50 lbs., while the miniature poodle weighs between 14 and 22 lbs.
A poodle is a versatile dog that has been bred for over 400 years for companionship, as a hunting retriever and for water retrieval.
The Poodle is a versatile breed that has been bred for over 400 years for companionship, as a hunting retriever, and for water retrieval. The Standard Poodle and the Miniature Poodle were developed in France as water dogs used to retrieve fowl while hunting. They were also used to carry …
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