Buying What You Need for Your Reptile Pets
People who want different types of pets often look to purchase one or two different types of reptiles. Snakes, bearded dragons, turtles, and lizards are all growing in popularity with animal lovers. More pet stores are starting to stock exotic animals to meet the demand of buyers, but not every buyer understands how to best care for a reptile. Because these animals aren’t meant to be domesticated, they require a bit more care than a dog or cat. If a pet owner doesn’t understand which types of supplies and food their reptile needs, it can be harmful to the animal.
Housing for Reptile Pets
Most snakes and lizards do well in a glass terrarium. Pet stores sell a variety of different sized terrariums, and you need to purchase a terrarium that will suit your pet when it’s full size. Snakes can quickly outgrow a 10-gallon terrarium, so it’s important to …
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